Hadith No - 90: Verily Allah Has One Hundred Mercies

Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: Verily Allah has one hundred Mercies. He has sent down from these one Mercy among the jinn, men, animals, and creeping insects. By it, they (all) show kindness to one another, and by it, they show mercy to one another, and by it, a beast shows kindness to its young; and Allah has withheld ninety-nine Mercies which He will grant to His slaves on the Day of Resurrection. (Muslim: 6973)
And in another version of Muslim: When it will be the Day of Resurrection, He will complete them with this Mercy (and that is, He will bestow upon His slaves the complete one hundred Mercies). (Muslim: 6977)

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