Allah enjoins justice, Ihsan (doing good) and generosity towards kinsfolk

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says (Translation): Indeed, Allah enjoins justice, Ihsan (doing good) and generosity towards kinsfolk; and forbids immorality, all evil deeds and oppression. He strongly exhorts you so that you might bear (all this) in mind. (An-Nahl 16: 90)

Note: In one sense this is the most comprehensive verse of the Quran. Three things have been advised: 1. Justice 2. Ihsan. 3. Generosity to relatives. And three things have been forbidden; 1. Immorality 2. All evil deeds 3. Oppression. Ihsan means that a man becomes a model of excellence desiring good for others. It is a station above justice when a man gives more than the rights due to others. He acquires the qualities of generosity, forgiveness and sympathy.
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