*Ruling regarding aborting fetus less than four month*
⭕ Today's Question 946 ⭕
A woman, three months pregnant has a baby of four months. She is weak and breastfeeding her baby. When consulted with a reliable Muslim Doctor, he said it is risky. In this condition, can she undergo abortion?
If the fetus has already developed hair, fingers and other organs the period of which is 120 days (Four months), it is prohibited to undergo abortion and is haraam and sinful.
If before this time period, and if there is a problem with breastfeeding ie. if the milk is not coming and the father cannot afford to feed the baby (milk formula) and the life of the baby is at risk, then it is permissible in such a situation.
And Allah knows best.
📙 FATAWA QASMIYAH 23 / 284 285
Mufti Imran Ismail Memon.
Ustaze Darul Uloom, Rampura, Surat, Gujarat, India