24 SEP (Hadith Of The Day) - May Allah have Mercy on the man

Hadith of the Day
Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: May Allah have Mercy on the man who gets up during the night and offers Tahajjud, and awakens his wife so that she may also offer Salat. If she does not get up (and remains in bed due to deep sleep), he lightly sprinkles water on her face to help awaken her. And may Allah show Mercy on that woman who gets up at night and offers Salat and awakens her husband for Tahajjud, and if he does not awaken, she lightly sprinkles water on his face to awaken him. (Nasai: 1611)
Note: This hadith relates to such a couple who are fond of Tahajjud and to wake each other in this manner does not cause any displeasure between them. (Ma'ariful Hadith)

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