Haraam Earnings

⭕Today's Question no. 949⭕

Is it permissible to be employed with someone who is involved with haraam trade? Also, what is the ruling on selling them something and getting money for it?


If the earnings are completely haraam, such as taking interest, or selling musical instruments etc it is not permissible to work with such a company. The earnings one get from such trade is also not halal.
In the same way, selling something to such a person and getting money for it is also not halal.
If the earning is doubtful or is somewhat between halal haraam as in, selling both halal and haraam things, but halal goods in higher quantity, it is permissible to work with them and also sell your thing to them with the condition that you receive salary by selling of halal goods. It is however, better to avoid working with such person.


And Allah swt knows best.

Mufti Imran Ismail Memon.

Ustaze Darul Uloom, Rampura, Surat, Gujarat, India.